Legacy 2018 Auckland

This is what the men said about LEGACY Auckland...

"Aaron's message on lamentation was exactly what I needed to hear in this moment. I could go home now having received all that I need. The update to the worship set is really refreshing, feels like a new conference." Jonathan S

"Inspiration to lift my spiritual game." Phil

"Relevant, practical teaching from genuine people. Excellent array of breakout topics to cater for everyone's needs. It is always so special to see men gather together and the humility and openness of the attendees. It is very encouraging to me." David



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More men's highlights...

"Men worshipping together in unity. Men praying with each other. Seeing men set free. For me, continuing the journey, drawing closer to God. Becoming a better husband, dad, grandad. Great encouragement, inspiring to continue the journey!" Gordon

"Awesome worship. Vince is great, his delivery is awesome. Focus on Jesus, God and helping men know Him like never before." Jonathan P

"Top 10 Lies Elective. It was so practical and had lots of revelation to set men free. I was inspired by the Holy Spirit Electives and stories. I loved Daz's passion and altar call. Amazing to see all those commitments." Degen





Loved the Event, or want to catch up on what you missed?
You can purchase the Auckland Event DVDs [here] or USB audios [here]