Facing challenges together

Group Leaders Discussion Forum

Our men in our churches are always facing challenges in life. Sometimes it’s spiritual, sometimes it’s just life. Some are experiencing changes in their stage-of-life such as being a new parent, their kids leaving home, and retirement.


  1. How important do we see our role as pastoral leaders for our groups?
  2. What sorts of issues are your men facing?
  3. What skills do you see that we need, to enable us to give pastoral care?
  4. What skills do you need to develop and improve?
  5. Where can you find support to develop those skills?
  6. What pastoral care do you need?


Come and share your experience, strength, and hope, so together we may do better. If you are not leading a group presently you are still welcome. Come and join us!

I look forward to catching up this month, on Thursday 1 September.

Contact PK to find out more [click here]


I look forward to catching up this month, on Thursday 1 September.